Medical Ultrasonic Cleaner


Ultrasonic Cleaner is based on cavitation effect caused by high frequency ultrasonic wave vibration signal in fluid. Microscopic bubbles formed and they implore violently that cause cavitation, which gives out great impact to the cleaning subject and provides an intense scrubbing action on the surface of cleaning subject. Additionally, the bubbles are small enough to penetrate even microscopic crevices, cleaning them thoroughly and consistently.

Salient Features:-
* Ultrasonic bath is designed with MOSFET/ IGBT & the latest micro controller base technology.
* Auto tuning with overload protection arrangement.
* Imported transducers are used in our Ultrasonic Cleaner (Ultrasonic bath).
* Operating frequency of 23 / 33 KHz. Variable frequency on demand.
* Digital tuning & Thermo dynamic design to ensure long life of generator.

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