LINAC (Linear Accelerator)-ACCURAY-Cyberknife G4


Manufacturer : Accuray Incorporated – US


Model : Cyberknife G4

Country of Origin :

Year of Introduction : 2007

Year of Discontinued : 2010

Product Highlights :

Delivers stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), treatments anywhere in the body with true robotic precision and integrated, AI-driven, real-time motion synchronization. The results of this work certify the G4 CyberKnife SRS system capable of delivering high dose distributions with sub-millimeter accuracy and precision to intracranial and extracranial lesions.

Moreover, total clinical accuracy of the investigated G4 system was found to be improved for the skull and fiducial tracking methods and was comparable for Xsight spine tracking method compared with the earlier generation of the instrument.

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Additional information




Year of Introduction

If discontinued , the Year Discontinued

Single Energy

Dual Energy

Energy - Photon Configuration MV

Energy - Photon Configuration - 4 mv

Energy - Photon Configuration - 6 mv

Energy - Photon Configuration - 10 mv

Energy - Photon Configuration - 15 mv

Energy - Photon Configuration - 18 mv

Energy - Electron Configuration - 6 MEV

Energy - Electron Configuration - 9 MEV

Energy - Electron Configuration -12 MEV

Energy - Electron Configuration -15 MEV

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - No of Leaves

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - No of Leaves 52 MLC

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - No of Leaves 80 MLC

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) -No of Leaves 120 MLC

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - No of Leaves 120 HDMLC

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - No of Leaves 160 Agility MLC

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - No of Leaves Dual Layer

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - No of Leaves optional

BEAM Energy Consumption / Generator / Power Source

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - Thickness of Leaves

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - Thickness of Leaves - 5 mm

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - Thickness of Leaves - 10 mm

Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) - Field Size

Portal Imager (EPID)

Treatment Delivery

Treatment Delivery - 3D

Treatment Delivery - IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy)

Treatment Delivery - VMAT

Treatment Delivery - Rapid Arc

Treatment Delivery - SRS (Steriotactic Radio Surgery)

Treatment Delivery - SBRT (Steriotactic Body Radio Surgery)

Treatment Delivery - SABR (Steriotactic Ablative Radio Therapy)

Treatment Delivery - SRT (Steriotactic Radiation Therapy)

Treatment Delivery - IGRT (Image Guided Radiation Therapy)

KV Imaging for IGRT

IGRT Field of View (FOV)

Cone Beam CT (CBCT)

Cone Beam CT (CBCT) - 3D CBCT

Cone Beam CT (CBCT) - 4D CBCT


Cones - with SRS Planning

Silhouette Option for small size rooms Available

3 D Conformal Radio Therapy

3 D KV Imaging - XVI

FFF 6 Mv

FFF10 Mv

Is the MLC HD ?

Field Coverage

Small Field Delivery for Precise applications e.g. Brain

Gating Software and Hardware included in Price

Treatment Couch

4 D Couch

6 D Couch

Laser Aimer light - Green

Laser Aimer light - Red

Immobilisation included in Price ?

Standard Immobilization

UPS required KVA

UPS Included as standard Accessories ?

Tonnage of Chiller

Chiller Included as standard Accessories ?

Market Demand

Other Variants



Site Requirement

Not Available

User List

Not Available

Dealers or Distributors

Not Available


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