Four Channel Coagulation Analyzer


  • Four independent programmable coagulation channels for faster throughput.
  • Display online results of all four channels simultaneously on single screen.
  • Designed to per form all routine & special tests such as PT, APTT, TT, Fibrinogen, Factor II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII.
  • Uniform mixing of Sample & Reagent with magnetic stirrer.
  • Automatic sensing of sample/reagent dispensing to start the measurement.
  • Multipoint Calibration curve with user entered standard dilution % in FIB and Factor Assay.
  • Independent channel for Photometric assays.
  • Multipoint calibration curve with maximum 7 calibrators for Photometric assays.
  • Chromogenic assays antithrombin III (AT-III), protein C (PC), protein S (PS), D-dimer

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