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Mumbai: Illumina, Inc., known for DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, announced the launch of the NovaSeq X Series (NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus), new production-scale sequencers that enable faster, more powerful, and more sustainable sequencing.

Using new technology, NovaSeq X Plus can generate more than 20,000 whole genomes per year, accelerating genomic discovery and clinical insights, to understand disease and ultimately transform patient lives.

Commenting on the launch, Francis deSouza, Chief Executive Officer, Illumina, said “Innovations like NovaSeq X are at the heart of how we will transform patient lives, and this groundbreaking technology will empower researchers, scientists, and clinicians in the fight to diagnose, treat – and eventually cure – disease while making genomics more sustainable and accessible to millions more people around the world.”

With its NovaSeq X Series, Illumina redesigned sequencers to further increase speed, scale, accuracy, and sustainability. It includes the launch of a fundamentally new sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry, known as XLEAP-SBS, engineered for 2x higher speed and accuracy. Development of highest-resolution optics and ultra-high density flow cells, delivering 2.5x greater throughput while driving down sequencing costs. Integration of on-board DRAGEN Bio-IT with ORA compression, enabling highly accurate and fully automated secondary analysis with 5x lossless data compression. Creation of 15 new thermostable reagents, supporting ambient-temperature shipping, eliminating the need for dry ice and reducing waste.

Alex Aravanis, Chief Technology Officer, Illumina, said “With brand new chemistry and underlying hardware and software, along with the ability to combine genomics innovations on a single platform, NovaSeq X sets a new standard in sequencing technology, while enabling discoveries and patient outcomes we never thought possible.”

On the environmental front, NovaSeq X features 90 per cent reduction in packaging waste and weight and 50 per cent reduction in plastic usage compared to NovaSeq 6000. The enablement of ambient-temperature shipping of reagents will result in nearly 500 tons of dry ice savings per year, while significantly reducing waste streams for customers.